Monday, October 29, 2012

Have you heard?

People aren’t the only ones with interesting hearing mechanisms and facts. Check out these random tidbits about animal hearing from the Better Hearing Institute, Teachers Domain, and the University of Washington:
  • Snakes do not have ears, but their tongues are sensitive to sound vibrations.
  • Owls distinguish sound directions partly by measuring the difference in time it takes the sound to reach each ear. This difference is typically less than 200 millionths of a second!
  • Cicadas have hearing organs in their stomachs
  • Crickets have hearing organs in their knees; sound waves cause a thin membrane on the cricket’s legs to vibrate
  • It is thought that owls can create an image of the world around them based only on sound, much like humans do with their eyes
  • Although fish do not have ears, they can hear pressure changes through ridges on their bodies
  • Dolphins can hear frequencies up to at least 100,000 Hz. Compare this to a dog’s ability to hear up to 40,000 Hz and a person’s 20,000 Hz
  • During World War I, the military kept parrots on France’s Eiffel Tower because their extra-sensitive hearing allowed them to warn of incoming enemy aircraft before any person could hear it
  • All mammals have external ears, but many can move them to help pinpoint the direction of sounds. Some animals, like elephants, can even use their ears to stay cool by waving them like fans. And you thought you could twitch your ears!
If you're looking to save on hearing care then simply head over to True Dental Discounts for a discount hearing plan.

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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What is behavioral observation audiometry?

The critical impact of hearing loss on a child’s ability to communicate means it is essential to identify any existing problems at the earliest age possible. One method of identifying hearing loss in infants up to 7 months of age is known as behavioral observation audiometry. Conducted by a specially trained audiologist, these observations involve scrutinizing a child’s behavior when presented with a variety of sounds.

Noises made by chimes, bells, scrunched cellophane, and other objects are used during the test, and the child is then monitored for any change in behavior. The audiologist will look for behavioral responses like awakening from sleep, startling, widening of the eyes, bodily movement and turning of the head. Even changes in breathing patterns or the rate a child sucks on a pacifier can be signs of sound perception.

Although these tests often present immediate and compelling results, it is important to conduct them in concurrence with other auditory tests. The sooner a child’s hearing loss is identified, the less chance he or she has of experiencing a delay in learning or communicating. For this reason, it is important to schedule an appointment with an audiologist who can help you rule out or more closely investigate any issues with your child’s hearing. By using your True Dental Discounts hearing care plan, you can get significant savings on high-quality care.

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